Executive assault 2 repair ships
Executive assault 2 repair ships

Fixed issue with the AI building ship yards.

executive assault 2 repair ships

  • Infestors will no longer spawn on small mining outposts.
  • Troop transport movement plane moved down a little so that it doesn't crash into anything coming out of a quantum fracture point.
  • Gassing the trader from the nuclear power station will now trigger a blacklist.
  • Fixed the environment not changing when as an Executron being on the bridge of a ship during mass teleporting.
  • Fixed issues with the warp drive and background changes when standing on the bridge of ships.
  • Alliances are now synced correctly to Executrons.
  • AI will no longer send waste barge to allied team.
  • Fixed the game ending correctly with the new alliance selection system.
  • Can now see inside systems with a captured derelict.
  • Robot will no longer try and carry more than 1 crate.
  • Can no longer take crates off other robots.
  • Fighters are now less likely to fly through buildings.
  • No longer be able to click the teleport buttons while its in operation.
  • Separated buttons out on gateway probes for docking with port and docking in hanger.
  • Added extra defences to civilian command outposts.
  • AI will no longer send units to attack sneaky units unless the sensor tech researched.
  • When you switch between star systems and then go back it now remembers the last camera position.
  • Turrets now shoot back if you shoot them.
  • Found advanced outpost cores can now be used to make outposts.
  • Executron fighter screen in command outpost has had its display changed.
  • Teleminer power 15 to 10 to help with Spy's rough start.
  • Information probes speed and accelerations have been increased.
  • Javelin and Longbows movement planes have been raised to bring into line with the Invaders abilities.
  • executive assault 2 repair ships

    Fixed being able to reinsert non existent cores into reactors.The spy Tele-miner can now mine multiple resources once you have researched extra tele-streams instead of just one resource for all 3 streams.In addition to these notes and based on feedback the following has been added/changed: I've now merged the beta balancing branch with the main branch for you all to enjoy which includes all the nice features mentioned in the previous announcement including choosing start positions and teams along with the new infinite resource system. Will be carrying on with bug fixes and working on enhancing the first person experience. I've also set the default for the AI to be Very Easy when you start a new game however it will remember your selection so if you are a veteran at the game please double check the AI is at the correct difficulty for you. I've made a small adjustment to how power cores work in the game with the building/outpost now producing a fixed amount of power, all you do now is just enhance with power boosters which can be swapped around like before with command stations and fusion power stations using different power boosters, so you shouldn't notice any difference unless you are trying to build a housing estate. Cancelling mass transport selection now restarts correctly.Fixed bulkhead doors on tele-port not closing.Fixed graphical error with 4k resolutions and save game menu.Tele-port is now researched from the start.Tele-probe shield research has been rearranged.Fixed doors on bridge sometimes already being opened.Hacking alert will now affect the correct team.Updated super ship construction detection.Can no longer empty the stations powers capacitors unless they are at 100%.Fixed bulkhead doors so they wont open if something is being constructed on the other side.When reloading a game where a CEO has already been assassinated they will no longer come back to life.Adjusted script that destroys units inside a building to be more accurate.

    executive assault 2 repair ships

    Wormhole positions are now just like normal Quantum fracture points and are around the edge.Moved camera rotate to Left Alt or Left Apple.

    executive assault 2 repair ships

  • Fixed an error if you have troops standing next to an exit on the Infestor ship and you try and exit CEO mode.
  • #Executive assault 2 repair ships Patch#

    Small patch today fixing and adjusting the following:

    Executive assault 2 repair ships