Ikoria commander decks
Ikoria commander decks

The fact that every time one of your nontoken creatures dies, you get to bring back a creature to your hand from your graveyard means that once Death’s Oasis gets going there isn’t much to stop it. For starters it can supply a virtually endless supply of creatures. Check out both designs of the card below, and Mike Turian's explanation of its strengths, weaknesses and origins below: IGN: Could you briefly explain the strengths and weaknesses of this card for a beginner? Mike Turian: "Death’s Oasis has a lot of strengths going for it. This three-colour enchantment is designed to capitalise on the beefy monsters in your deck, using their deaths to allow for new life to pop unexpectedly out of your deck at little cost. Play Our exclusive card reveal is for Death's Oasis - and it's less a monster than a monster's graveyard. While Cycling has appeared in many Magic sets and is a well-loved mechanic, with Ikoria it helped us solve the issue that would occur as your hand filled up with too many giant monsters! Sometimes it just makes sense to cycle into a few more lands so that you can start casting all of those behemoths." Ability Counters were our way to represent this evolution through a permanent gameplay enhancement." Cycling - "Cycling came about from a practical sense. and the Ikoria Commander decks even let you grant permanent indestructibility! The landscape of Ikoria is filled with mysterious crystals that have begun to radiate causing the monsters to evolve at an accelerated rate. Now you can grant permanent flying, trample, menace, etc. +1/+1 counters have always stuck around for as long as the creature was on the battlefield and with Ability Counters we have expanded the types of effects that will continue past end of turn. Typically in a game of Magic, effects that are granted are temporary.

ikoria commander decks

We wanted the new Companion mechanic to capture this connection and bring that right to our players." Ability Counters – "Ability Counters are a great way to represent how the creatures of Ikoria grow and change. In Ikoria, monsters and humans are on equal footing, in order to bond with one another both the monster and the human must be agreeable to the connection. One piece of this is capturing how monsters connect with the humans of the world.

ikoria commander decks

Every Companion restriction is different and building your deck around it is part of the fun! Even if you aren’t hitting the Companion challenge, you can always add your Companion to your deck just like it was any other Magic card. Now, in order to get this to happen, you will have had to build your deck around the Companion restriction that that each Companion has. Previously, the humans of Ikoria would be able to create defenses that would keep the monsters at bay but recently monsters have been mutating so quickly that the humans barely stand a chance!" Companion – "With Companion, you get a chance to start with a one-shot guaranteed extra card ready to cast from the start of the game sort of like it was in your opening hand. Lots of the Mutate creatures give you a bonus for successfully mutating, you get that bonus each and every time you Mutate! Mutate was our way to express how the monsters of Ikoria have recently been evolving rapidly due to an awakening of mysterious crystals. This combines the two (or more!) creatures into one with all of the abilities of both creatures! If the creature you targeted had Auras or counters on it, the new combination will keep everything that was already there. We had Magic's lead product designer, Mike Turian break down each one: Mutate - "To Mutate a creature, you pay its Mutate cost targeting a non-Human creature that you own. Fittingly for a set about monsters (amazingly, including the actual Godzilla), Ikoria's new and key mechanics all centre around working with your kaiju-sized new additions to the deck.

Ikoria commander decks